Death Drums Along the River

Death Drums Along the River titled Sanders in the USA is a 1963 BritishGerman international coproduction, using the characters from Edgar Wallaces 1911 novel Sanders of the River and Zoltn Kordas 1935 film based on the novel, but placed in a totally different story. Filmed on location in South Africa, it features Richard Todd and Marianne Koch leading a cast of British, German and South African actors.

At the same time, a Dr. Jung Koch arrives at the airport and is met by Todds assistant, Inspector Hamilton Jeremy Lloyd. Dr. Jung is going to a Germanrun clinic up country, close to the colonys eastern border. Also on the plane with her is an American journalist Robert Arden who wishes to visit the clinic to do a story, and also turns out to be an old friend of Pearson.Commissioner Sanders begins to suspect the clinic as a location for smuggled diamonds from across the border. ........

Source: Wikipedia